Thursday, December 1, 2011

Let's face it, there is a dominance of Mommy blogs out there.  Don't believe me? Go ahead, do a quick search.

So how many did you find? 

Tons! Now how many are out there for dads?  Maybe a handful... but as I struggled to find tips on things to do while mi chamaco is in the car I figured that I might as well give the rest of the other papás out there some cool tips.

After all, don´t we all want to be the Papi Chido?  You know, the one that always seems cool, calm and collective, even under stress. En este blog les voy a dar tips de como realizar su trabajo cómo padres sin tener que perder su integridad masculina (digo, si aun la mantienen). 

Ser padre puede ser dificil pero no tiene que ser un trabajo.  I´ll share with you any tips on the latest gadgets, tools, food and anything I stumble upon that might be of great use to us papás.

-Papi Chido


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